Fire & Spill Cleanup

Salt water disposal well suffered total destruction after lightning strike started tank fire.

tank fire from lightning strikeCore Projects Group was contacted the day of the fire to handle abatement of the spill that was occurring and to handle the demolition and cleanup.

Crude oil/water leaked from the tanks and containment that were damaged in the fire.

Containment berm

A containment berm was established to stop further spill plume. Affected soil was scraped up and disposed to prevent further spreading in a rain event.

All liquids from inside tanks and around facility were removed

liquids removed

Vapor, NORM and hazardous substance tests were done on tanks and site to ensure the worksite was safe for operations prior to commencing. Full time safety officer was on site.

Liquid and sludge mechanical removal and disposal in Class 1 disposal site.

super sucker, vac truck used to empty remaining liquid

Super Sucker, vac truck and vacuum box was used to empty remaining liquid from tanks as well as facility area.

All metal was decontaminated and recycled.

metal decontaminated and recycled

Excavators were used to demolish and prepare tanks and piping for transport to the recycler. All material was decontaminated and tested for NORM.

Recycling and Re-use

recycling and reusing

All metal was recycled by local scrap company.

All affected soils were removed and clean soil brought in as backfill.

Affected soil removed

Validation sampling took place to ensure no contamination remained in soil or ground water. Clean soil was brought in to replace removed material.

Project Timeline

Day 1

Day 1

Day 3

day 3

Day 20

day 4

Day 40

Core Projects Group handled the cleanup from day 1, containment through to final cleanup and sign off by the Rail Road Commission – Certificate of Completion within the Volutary Cleanup Program. This allowed the client peace of mind and a clean slate ready for rebuilding. The project was handled under budget and on time. Site staff worked under the supervision of site manager, safety officer and was overseen by Core Projects Engineering.